Friday, March 09, 2007

A Poem by Addison

The People in my Family

Sydney is the greatest 11 year old I have known
She likes macaroni and cheese, the computer and her phone

My sister Hayley is nice as well
Sometimes she's mean but I won't tell

My mommy Lori is the best mom ever
She likes to hug me isn't that clever

My daddy Gregg is a great guy
I love him more than bunnies, and that's no lie

Roxy is my favorite dog
Woof Woof Woof

Freddie is my Freddie Dog
Woof Woof Woof

Monday, March 05, 2007

Pigs and Purim

We were happy to attend Purim services on Saturday evening. Our Synagogue did a great re-telling of the Purim story, and we were very excited to shake our groggers when they mentioned Hamen (booo).

Here is a conversation Addie and Mommy had while trying to leave the house for services.

Addison: Can I bring my piggy? (he is a new favorite stuffed animal)
Mommy: (frustated, and trying to get out the door) No, you can't bring a pig to synagogue, he's not kosher.
Addison: Yeah, but he's not dead yet.